Thursday, January 3, 2013

Is Psychology a Science

Is Psychology a Science?

In order to answer this question it is important to understand
the definitions of both psychology and science. The word
'psychology' comes from the Greek 'psyche' (or soul) and 'logos'
(or study), which came to be known as the 'study of the soul'.
The American Heritage Dictionary defines psychology as:

1. the science dealing with the mind and with mental and
emotional processes
2. the science of human and animal behavior.

In its pure definition the dictionary has provided us with a clue
to the answer, it describes science as:

1. systematized knowledge derived from observation, study, etc.
2. a branch of knowledge, esp. one that systematizes facts,
principles, and methods
3. skill or technique

In order to prove this claim we have to look at whether or not
psychology can fill this definition above.

Scientific study is a valid way of coming to an understanding of
life, and can be very useful in every area of life. Science
develops theories based on what is observed. It examines each
theory with rigorous and scrupulous tests to see if it describes
reality. The scientific method works well in observing and
recording physical data and in reaching conclusions which
either confirm or nullify a theory.

During the mid-19th century, scholars (although at that time
probably termed philosophers) wanted to study human nature with
the aim of applying the scientific method to observe, record, and
treat human behavior that was deemed as unnatural. They believed
that if people could be studied in a scientific manner, there
would be a greater accuracy in understanding present behavior, in
predicting future behavior, and, most controversially, in
altering behavior through scientific intervention.

There are many areas of psychology, each attempting to explain
behavior from slightly different perspectives;

Social psychology is concerned with the effects of social
situations on human behavior. Personality theorists study
individual behavior. Comparative psychologists study animal
behaviors across the range of species Physiological psychologists
are concerned with the biological basis of behavior.
Developmental psychologists study principles and processes
responsible for change throughout life. Cognitive psychologists
investigate memory, thought, problem solving, and the
psychological aspects of learning. Analysis of behavior studies
the conditions under which a behavior can be learned and the
situations that cause that behavior to occur. Learning is an area
of psychology exploring how new behaviors are learned
and maintained. Clinical psychologists study ways to help
individuals and groups of individuals change their behavior.
Industrial and organizational psychologists are concerned with
the physical and social aspects of people's work environments as
they affect work output. Community psychologists use scientific
methods to study and solve social problems.

As Western describes, the psychological paradigm is a collection
of assumptions used to make sense of a subject area or
experience, this can be applied to psychology itself. Psychology
lacks one unified paradigm but has four perspectives that search
for its understanding;

The pyschodynamic perspective believes that behavior is a result
of unconscious processes, personal motivation and early childhood
experiences. It's most famous advocate was Sigmund Freud. Its
method of data collection rely heavily on interpreting
discussion, dreams and fantasies, actions, case studies and a
limited amount of experimentation.

The behaviorist perspective believes that behavior is learned and
selected by environmental consequences. Its method of data
collection relies heavily on experimentation conducted in the
scientific laboratory where the factors studied can be
controlled; or it may take place in a real life setting where
more natural behavior is studied and far more variables

The cognitive perspective believes that behavior is a result of
information processing, storage in the brain, transformation and
the retrieval of information. The methods of data collection
used are again experimentation but with much use of computer

The evolutionary perspective believes that psychological
processes echo the evolutionary processes of natural selection.
Its method of data collection includes the deduction of
explanations for behavior, and comparisons between species and
cultures. It also involves a limited amount of experimentation.

Of these four perspectives all lend common similarities to the
traditional sciences. All have elements of controlled
experimentation, as does physics or chemistry. Cognitive
perspectives use computer modeling, as does mathematics. There
are similarities, but there are also differences to any other
sciences, such as the study of dreams and fantasies.

The methods of experimentation and research in psychology is
completed on a scientific basis. Psychological experimental
research would involve the manipulation of a situation to examine
the way in which the subjects of an experiment react, in order to
observe cause and effect. The experimenter manipulates
independent variables and the subjects responses would prove
the dependant variables. By measuring the subjects responses,
the experimenter can tell if the manipulation has had an effect.

Psychological hypotheses are sought to operationalise - to turn
an abstract concept into a concrete argument. This process is
scientific in its element. The hypothesis is framed, variables
are operationalised separately, a standard procedure is developed
that is maintained throughout the experiment, subjects are
scientifically selected, results are tested and conclusions

Control groups are often used, similar in essence to control
chemicals used in chemistry. These control groups are not
exposed to the manipulation but instead to neutral conditions,
providing a standards to compare results. In some cases
researchers carry out blind studies where subjects are kept
unaware of the aspects of the study. Double blind studies have
been used in the past where the researchers are kept blind too.

A scientific subject knows its own limitations. Psychology
attempts to study complex phenomena in laboratory and field
situations where validity is called into question. Results
contrast with differing personal understandings of researchers
which will always differ to some extent. In a physical science a
variance of error may be intolerable above 2%, in psychology 50%
may be an acceptable level.

Every psychological experiment and theory is evaluated with the
same level of criticality as that of the traditional sciences.
Questions are asked over the theoretical framework, the results
validity and its relationship with the hypothesis, the quality
and range of sample and if it is representative, the conclusions
that can be drawn form the data and broader conclusions that may
be apparent. Finally the studies are questioned on their
meanings and ethics to operationalise the original hypothesis.

Psychology has adopted the scientific mode. However, from a
strictly scientific point of view, it has not been able to meet
the requirements of true science.

In attempting to evaluate the status of psychology as a
scientific study, the American Psychological Association
appointed Sigmund Koch to conduct a study, employing over eighty
noted scholars in assessing the facts, hypotheses, and methods of
psychology. In 1983, the results were published in a series
entitled 'Psychology: A Study of Science'. Koch describes what
he believes to be the delusion in thinking of psychology as a

The truth is that psychological statements which describe human
behavior or which report results from tested research can be
scientific. However, when there is a move from describing human
behavior to explaining it there is also a move from science to

Here it is important to make the distinction between psychology
and psychiatry. Academic psychology is a scientific project,
initiated by Wilhelm Wundt at the University of Leipzig at around
1885. His work was the study of the average adult human mind, and
the scientific method used was introspection. His approaches have
long since been abandoned, as have many of his ideals, but not
the basic idea of understanding and describing human functioning
within a scientific context.

Psychotherapy, on the other hand, is no more a science than that
of civil engineering. Ideally, scientifically investigated
therapeutic techniques and methods are used together with ethical
and philosophical principles in order to achieve a desired
outcome. Psychotherapy, then, is a mixture of a craft and an art
and may not be called a science.

Psychology breeds many conflicting explanations of man and his
behavior. Psychologist Roger Mills, in his 1980 article,
"Psychology Goes Insane, Botches Role as Science," says:

"The field of psychiatry today is literally a mess. There are as
many techniques, methods and theories around as there are
researchers and therapists. I have personally seen therapists
convince their clients that all of their problems come from their
mothers, the stars, their biochemical make-up, their diet, their
lifestyle and even the "karma" from their past lives."

These opinions are describing psychotherapy and not psychology in
its core. Remembering that psychology is the scientific study of
the behavior of humans and animals, we should look at their
methods of study. As we have seen, psychologists use scientific
methods in an attempt to understand and predict behavior, to
develop procedures for changing behavior, and to evaluate
treatment strategies. Mitchell and Jolley discuss the question
of whether psychology is a science in the first chapter of their
text 'Research Design Explained' (3rd Edition). Their
conclusions support the claim that psychology is a science. They
discuss the facts that psychology produces objective evidence
that can be replicated (replicated with the same success as
physics and chemistry experiments). That it unearths observable,
objective evidence that either supports or refutes existing
beliefs and creates new knowledge. And that psychology is open-
minded about claims, even those that go against common sense and
sceptical about ideas that, even though they make sense, have not
been supported by any research evidence.

If we can define a science using subjective methods then
Psychology is definitely a science. Psychology represents an
empirical science, its methods demanding empirical testing of

Many empirical results of psychology are subject to personal
interpretation and intense dispute. This can be seen as a
function of the phenomena that is psychology. But the key to
resolving these disputes is to turn back to the empirical methods
and pit alternative interpretations against each other.


The American Heritage Dictionary, 1996

Western, Psychology - Mind, Brain and Culture, 1997

Sigmund Koch, 'Psychology: A Study of Science', 1983 article

Roger Mills, 'Psychology Goes Insane, Botches Role as Science',
1980 article

Mitchell and Jolley, 'Research Design Explained' (3rd Edition),

Word Count: 1572

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